Hypochlorous acid is so safe, dentists give it to patients to gargle with it, and restaurants literally soak meat in it, to kill bacteria. The FDA has given approval for hypochlorous acid to be used as an antimicrobial agent in food processing. In my opinion, it's the best thing to spray germs and countertops with, because not only does it kill germs better than bleach, but the chlorine smell dissipates very quickly, and I would not hesitate to eat anything that had touched a countertop that was sprayed with HOCl.
My sister has a tendency to put food right on a stovetop, and if that counter had been cleaned with, say, a Clorox wipe, I would not want to put it in my mouth, because I'd be able to taste the fragrances and other chemicals from the wipe. I once saw a commercial for Clorox Wipes, where a woman comes home to find her husband cleaning a huge fish on their wooden countertop. She used Clorox Wipes to clean it, but all I could think of is, if you regularly use those same wipes on a counter that you clean a fish on, then your fish is going to taste like a Clorox wipe! The ones I buy from Costco have a very strong, clean fragrance that I like, but I would not want that taste in my mouth. It's also the ideal solution to clean floors with, because pets have a tendency to lick their paws when they walk on the ground, so whatever cleaners and disinfectants are on the ground, will wind up in your pet's mouth!
Enagic is the only affordable drinking water ionizer that also makes Hypochlorous acid.
In order to make HOCl, a machine needs a chamber for a saline solution (it's just salt and water). Machines that made this were used on Naval ships, using seawater. Other competing ionizer companies try to make the public think that somehow, this means Enagic puts scary chemicals in their drinking water. They say this because their ionizers can't make it, and scare tactics can be very effective for steering consumers who don't have time to do their own research.
NO other company besides Enagic makes an affordable home appliance that produces BOTH filtered alkaline antioxidant drinking water, and hypochlorous acid. There are industrial grade machines that make hypochlorous acid, but they sell for between $4,000 and $12,000, and they don't even make alkaline antioxidant water for drinking, like an Enagic SD-501 can.
I used Vetericyn on an injured foster cat a few years ago. She had a very large cut on her front paw. I never did figure out how she got it, but Vetericyn really did seem to help her paw to heal quickly. However, the last time I went to Pet Food Express, I was told they don't carry it anymore because it expires quickly. That was a bummer, because I had a bottle of it that I wanted to donate to the 9 Lives Foundation, that was almost completely full, but it has a short shelf life. So, in my opinion, it's better to make your own, on demand!
I also believe it's a lot more potent to make your own at home, because the stuff that comes out of the machine is stronger and has a "bleachy" smell (that fades fast after it's sprayed) when it first comes out of the bottle, and Vetericyn never had that. Don't worry, the stuff is safe. I've put it in my mouth and eyes (for an eye infection) with ZERO side effects (but I've had great results).
I must have saved $800 in vet bills, by not having to take Bert to the vet to get his abscess treated, and his wound healed beautifully, with no antibiotics. I would be hesitant to give Bert any more antibiotics, because he has breathing issues that I believe stem from when he was a kitten and he and his littermates all had to take antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection. To this day, when he purrs, he sounds like he's snorting or grunting, more than purring, and I always wondered if it stemmed from taking those antibiotics.
I only sprayed his wound about 6 different times! I did also give Bert some Kangen 9.5 pH water to drink. I try to keep a separate bowl of the 9.5 antioxidant water for the cats to drink when they want it. They seem to know what's best for them.

I gave the 2.5 to a woman who said it worked great for tiny bites on her hand from mites that were at a relative's house, but when she used it on an open wound and it actually got worse. That's the first time I've ever heard of that happening, so I had to try to figure out why. I do know that she was the only person I've ever given the stuff to, who wasn't also drinking the antioxidant water at the same time, so maybe the body needs the extra antioxidants to offset the oxidizing effect of the 2.5. She has reported that, due to some autoimmune issues, her body tends to react the opposite of how some people might? All this to say, everyone's body can be a little different, and luckily, this was the only time I've had someone report a negative side effect from it. Thought I should post this here.
Is it safe to give Kangen (drinking) water to pets?
I heard that Enagic doesn't actually recommend Kangen water for pets, however, if you look on YouTube, you'll see lots of pet guardians reporting that their pets LOVE IT, and I've seen some pretty miraculous healing stories as well. The woman I bought the machine from, said one of her cats actually fights to get on the countertop to drink the fresh Kangen water while she's making it, because she loves it so much.
I do believe it may not be good for a cat to drink only Kangen antioxidant drinking water (without giving them 7.0 pH drinking water as an option also). I do think it's possible for cats to become too alkaline, as they need to have acidity in their stomachs to process all kinds of different foods they eat. However, if they are going through a period of oxidative stress and their body is trying to heal from something, then in my opinion, then antioxidant drinking water can be really beneficial, in the short term while they are recovering (at least, it greatly appears to help my own cats).
Sometimes I mix the Kangen 9.5 water with their wet trader Joe's Tuna for Cats, Chia seeds and NaturVet probiotics. When I give them this for a few days, it really does seem to help them recover from things quickly. If they have eaten something bad and get diarrhea, I mix in about a heaping teaspoon of diatomaceous earth into their wet food and this always seems to help.
I have also given them droppers full of the 2.5 hypochlorous acid, and it worked like a miracle for 2 of my cats whom I thought had contracted FIV or FeLV, because they were looking so sick and losing so much weight after getting into a fight with a neighborhood cat that also looked like it had FIV or FeLV (or something, I never was sure of what it was). I am going to do a separate post about that in the future, but I can tell you right now, I have never been so grateful for anything as HCOl for those cats, when they were sick like that. I thought for sure they had contracted a terminal disease, and it was so bad, my husband and a couple of neighbors were even commenting, like, what's going on with them? They don't look well.
Because I was sure they had FIV or FeLV, I was determined to buy this stuff that costs about $600 per cat, for the rest of the cat's life. You can see more about that, here. I'd have had to import it from Malaysia!

I should note, I wouldn't know anything about the safety of spraying Vetericyn or Microcyn in a pet's or a dog's mouth, because I don't know what other ingredients are used, but I didn't see any negative side effects from giving my cats a full droppers' full of pure HOCl to my cats (Vetericyn is not pure HOCl). Again, please note that hypochlorous acid is FDA approved as an antimicrobial agent (CLICK HERE to see the page). They haven't approved it for oral administration, but I really wish they would do studies on it, because my cats seemed to have ZERO side effects, and it appeared to really make a difference for them. When I gave it to my cat orally, I knew I was doing this at my own risk, but I was doing it based on many, many stories from other people who have the same machine I do.
If you're interested in learning more about this stuff, or if you want to try either the HOCl or Kangen drinking water, just call me at 650-735-1599.
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