I can honestly tell you I have never heard of any pathogen that Kangen 2.5 pH water (Hypochlorous Acid /HOCl) does not kill. Please note that no other multi-function water ionizer can make hypochorous acid, in addition to medical grade Kangen water, for less money, and I guarantee it. Other ionizers can make acidic water, but it is not hypochlorous acid, which is a medical grade disinfectant that kills far more pathogens. The machine needs to have the addition of a chamber for saline solution, and Life Ionizer and Tyent models do not have this.
For more information on Kangen water, just fill out the form on the right side of the page.
You can see a wide range of pathogens killed by the Kangen 2.5 water, in the 2 charts below. This is not even a complete list. In addition to killing HIV, Hepatitis, FIV, Tuberculosis, Salmonella, Staph, E. coli and more, you can find out other pathogens by just googling the name of the virus + "hypochlorous acid" (you may have to dig a bit, but chances are good that you'll find it). You can also find studies on PubMed and Google Scholar.
There is a company called Brio HOCl that makes hypochlorous acid, and they did a lot of independent laboratory testing, which shows how effective HOCl is, for killing these viruses below.
How does it work?
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is a powerful oxidant (800 to 1000 mV) that can kill microbial pathogens immediately upon contact by damaging cell walls or inactivate the pathogen by entering and disrupting proteins, lipids, and DNA. s
Inactivation of a hepadnavirus by electrolysed acid water
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 46, Issue 3, 1 September 2000, Pages 363–368, https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/46.3.363
01 September 2000
Article history
The Wysiwash Sanitizing System is easy to use and works against a wide range of pathogens, including Corona and Parvovirus. It works by using hypochlorous acid, which is effective and economical to use. You don't have to mix or rinse, and it won't corrode your equipment. It is also safe enough for direct contact immediately after application.
- 100 times more biocidal than chlorine bleach
- Instant-kill on most G+ and G- bacteria
- Instant-kill on Clostridium difficile spores
- Instant-kill on VRE, MRSA, and MRSE
- Instant-kill on Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia
- Effective against HIV, HBV, HCV, and CMV
- No high temperatures are necessary
- Most effective between 50-86 ºF (10-30 ºC)
- Does not cause irritation, safe on eyes and skin
- Does not cause corrosion of fabrics
- Does not alter colors, pH neutral
Avian Influenza
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) solutions were evaluated for their virucidal ability against a low pathogenic avian influenza virus (AIV), H7N1. HOCl solutions containing 50, 100 and 200 ppm chlorine (pH 6) or their sprayed solutions (harvested in dishes placed at 1 or 30 cm distance between the spray nozzle and dish) were mixed with the virus with or without organic materials (5% fetal bovine serum: FBS). Under plain diluent conditions (without FBS), harvested solutions of HOCl after spraying could decrease the AIV titer by more than 1,000 times, to an undetectable level (< 2.5 log10TCID50/ml) within 5 sec, with the exception of the 50 ppm solution harvested after spraying at the distance of 30 cm. Under the dirty conditions (in the presence of 5% FBS), they lost their virucidal activity. When HOCl solutions were sprayed directly on the virus on rayon sheets for 10 sec, the solutions of 100 and 200 ppm could inactivate AIV immediately after spraying, while 50 ppm solution required at least 3 min of contact time. In the indirect spray form, after 10 sec of spraying, the lids of the dishes were opened to expose the virus on rayon sheets to HOCl. In this form, the 200 ppm solution inactivated AIV within 10 min of contact, while 50 and 100 ppm could not inactivate it. These data suggest that HOCl can be used in spray form to inactivate AIV at the farm level.
Kills C. difficile spores, TB and more in 4 minutes. Kills Norovirus, Hepatitis A Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus and HIV-1 in 1 minute. Hospital Disinfectant; Meets OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens* Standard; Sanitizer Claim for Food Service Applications; Kills Canine Parvovirus. * Kills HBV and HIV-1 on pre-cleaned environmental surfaces/objects previously soiled with blood/body fluids.
FAC exists in two forms, Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) found in BruTab 6S solutions and Hypochlorite ion (OCl-) found in a bleach solution. Studies have shown that Hypochlorous acid has 4X (four times) more disinfection power than the hypochlorite ion. HOCl is very similar to the water molecule allowing it to easily penetrate through the negatively charged cell wall. Once the HOCl enters the microorganism, it destroys the nucleus of the cell completing the disinfection process. The Hypochlorous acid found in bleach is used up very quickly, it doesn’t penetrate the cell as easily and solutions must be replaced more often, especially in the presence of organic loads.

Dear Ms. Why,
Every day is a beautiful day to learn something new. In order to answer your intelligent inquiry, we have to brush up on a little high-school chemistry. So, put on your nerd glasses and let’s do this.
Look at the label of your Aquavert bottle. The active ingredient is HYPOCHLOROUS ACID.
Hypochlorous acid is a chemical compound. A chemical compound is a pure substance that is made from two or more elements – yes, those same elements from that periodic table from your 8th-grade science class – that have been chemically combined.
For example, the most famous chemical compound is water, also known as H20. A water molecule is produced when two atoms of hydrogen chemically combine with one atom of oxygen.
Similarly, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a chemical compound produced when one part hydrogen, one part oxygen, and one part chlorine combine.
Hypochlorous acid can be produced by applying a low-voltage charge to saltwater, also known as electrolyzed water. This process produces a non-toxic and powerful sanitizing agent that is used in hospitals to disinfect medical instruments and to clean wounds.
In fact, our very own immune systems produce hypochlorous acid in response to infection. Ursula Jakob, head of a research study at the University of Michigan, noted that “hypochlorous acid is an important part of [the human body’s] host defense. It’s not just something we use on our countertops.”
In 2009, the Los Angeles Times referenced electrolyzed water as a “miracle elixer.” Marla Dickerson explained how it works: “sodium ions are converted into sodium hydroxide, an alkaline liquid that cleans and degreases like detergent, but without the scrubbing bubbles. Chloride ions become hypochlorous acid, a potent disinfectant known as acid water.
The key to hypochlorous acid’s potency as a germ destroyer is its neutral electrical charge. Cell walls around bacteria have a net negative charge, and therefore repel other negatively charged particles in the water. Adam Hadhazy of LiveScience explains how this process works:
Hypochlorous acid, however, being neither positively nor negatively charged, can make contact with and invade bacterial cells… Once inside the bacterium, the hypochlorous acid wreaks havoc by chemically interacting with proteins, causing them to lose their complex, origami-like structures. The proteins’ functionality deteriorates, and the cell starts to die.
“Chlorine basically tears apart a germ, shredding its cell membrane and proteins,” [explained] Michele Hlavsa, chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Healthy Swimming Program.”
This process of tearing apart a germ is called a mechanical kill.
Now, Barbie doesn’t love to talk about killing, except when it comes to ridding your home of such nasty germs as Salmonella, Enterica, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Listeria Monocytogenes (Listeria), Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumonia.
One groovy advantage of a mechanical kill is that it prevents mutation of resistant-strains of bacteria simply because there is nothing left to mutate. According to studies conducted at The University of Illinois (Go Big Ten!), HOCl kills 99.99% of germs, and it is 120 times more effective as a sanitizer than the hypochlorite in bleach. And, it’s safe enough to use around pets and children. In fact, I myself and my other Barbie friendsappreciate a light spritz of Aquavert to freshen us up.
Thus, Ms. Why, the simple answer to your question is that Aquavert smells like a pool because your local pool uses HOCl, the active ingredient in Aquavert, as a disinfectant to fight the germs festering in the public waters.
However, don’t blame chlorine or HOCl for red eyes or the powerfully-overwhelming smell that burns your throat at indoor pools. The actual culprits are chloramines — formed when chlorine reacts with sweat and urine — not the friendly non-toxic hydrochlorous acid!
Based on everything you’ve learned about HOCl, you should feel pretty smart for choosing such an effective and state-of-the-art cleaning product. In my humble opinion, Aquavert would only be better if the labels were produced in my signature color of pink.
Keep being curious, Ms. Why. It’s how we make the world a better place.
Smart Barbie
-----------------------------Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is gentle on linens. It does not alter colors, corrode fabrics, or leave any residuals that cause itching or irritation.
On-Site Generated Electrolyzed Water
& Water Treatment

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can replace quaternary ammonium (Quats), chlorine bleach, and chemicals used to sanitize hotels.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to sanitize and deodorize all contact surfaces in a hotel room.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is gentle on linens. It does not alter colors, corrode fabrics, or leave any residuals that cause itching or irritation.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is safe and non-irritant and can be used by employees for hand sanitation.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be used to sanitize contact surfaces, equipment, floors and bathrooms. It does not cause discoloration of floors as seen with chlorine bleach.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water can be applied broadly using foggers to sanitize and deodorize hotel rooms.
On-Site and On-Demand
EcoloxTech systems are compact and easy to install. Systems are designed to generate Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water on-site and on-demand from an additive made yourself with just table salt and water.
What is Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water?
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid(HOCl), a neutral-to-acidic electrolyzed water. HOCl has been studied for over 100 years and it is an undeniable fact that it is a more powerful oxidant than chlorine bleach. Only within the last 30 years have we been able to generate solutions of near 100% HOCl in such a stable form. HOCl kills bacteria, bacterial spores, and viruses 100 times more effectively than chlorine bleach.
How does it work?
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is a powerful oxidant (800 to 1000 mV) that can kill microbial pathogens immediately upon contact by damaging cell walls or inactivate the pathogen by entering and disrupting proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Has it been researched?

In the last 30 years we have collected over 300 published research articles supporting the use of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. Nearly every common bacterial pathogen has been studied such as E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Vibrio,Staphylococcus, MRSA, spore forming bacteria, and many common viruses (including Norovirus) and fungi. To learn more please visit our research page and search by microbe or industry to find applicable research.
What about regulation from FDA, USDA, and EPA?
We have pages dedicated to the regulation of electrolyzed water as it pertains to the FDA, USDA, and EPA. Please visit our pages for more information. In regards to healthcare sanitation, see our page for the CDC.
Hotel Sanitation
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water is an on-site generated eco-friendly sanitizer that can replace all chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing hotel rooms, common areas, floors, and bathrooms.

Direct Application and Fogging
Being that hypochlorous acid is stable in solution, it can be applied through many different methods. In addition to direct application through spray bottles and mops, it can be applied broadly using foggers. Fogging offers many advantages in that it can distribute EOW into a large area very quickly to sanitize and deodorize. Because EOW is so safe, no protective gear or equipment is required. Fogging can also reach areas that are often missed by direct application such as under tables, chairs, and crevices that cannot be reached.
Eliminating Chemicals
Eliminating chemicals in hotels saves time, space, and money. Chemicals require purchasing, transporting, storing, and preparation. EOW is on-site generated anolyte and requires minimal storage space. The only ingredients needed are salt, water, and electricity.
Sanitizing Contact Surfaces
Not only is EOW safe and all-natural, but it is more effective than the chemicals currently being used. EOW is a solution of mixed oxidants of which the primary oxidant is eletrolytically generated hypochlorous acid (HOCl), an antimicrobial that has been recognized by the CDC in their guidelines for disinfection and sterilization. Hypochlorous acid can be applied at concentrations as high as 200 ppm which effectively inactivates most bacteria and viruses in less than 1 minute.

- 100 times more biocidal than chlorine bleach
- Instant-kill on most G+ and G- bacteria
- Instant-kill on Clostridium difficile spores
- Instant-kill on VRE, MRSA, and MRSE
- Instant-kill on Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia
- Effective against HIV, HBV, HCV, and CMV
- No high temperatures are necessary
- Most effective between 50-86 ºF (10-30 ºC)
- Does not cause irritation, safe on eyes and skin
- Does not cause corrosion of fabrics
- Does not alter colors, pH neutral
Linen Sanitation
EcoloxTech Sanitizer can replace harsh chemicals such as quaternary ammonium (quats) used commonly to sanitize linens. Quats can cause eye irritation and contact dermatitis. For about 5% of people, quats are an extreme sensitizer and can cause a variety of asthma-like symptoms. EcoloxTech Sanitizer is non-irritant and does not cause any respiratory or asthma-like symptoms.
Employee Safety
Preparation of toxic concentrated chemicals can be a safety hazard for employees as they are respiratory and skin irritants. EcoloxTech Cleaner & Sanitizer is 100% safe for employees. It does not require any special handling. It is non-irritant and does not require gloves or masks. It can be applied directly with rags and mops or broadly by fogging and pressure spraying.
If you'd like to learn more, just fill out the contact form on the right side of the page, and I can send you more information.
Laura Ellen